Farming and birds in Europe: the common agricultural policy and its implications for bird conservation
Introduction to farming and birds in Europe, D.J. Pain, J. Dixon Europe's changing farmed landscapes, C. Potter the evolution of Common Agricultural Policy and the incorporation of the environmental considerations, N. Robson priorities for bird conservation in Europe - the importance of the farmed landscape, G. Tucker extensive grazing and raptors in Spain, J.A. Donazar, M.A. Nevaso, J.L. Tella, C. Campian cereal farming, pesticides and grey partidges, D. Potts the Spanish Dehesas - a diversity in land-use and wildlife, M. Diaz, P. Campos, F.J. Pulido rice faming and water birds - integrated management in an artificial landscape, M. Fasola, X. Ruiz shrikes and the farmed landscape in France, N. LeFranc birds and wet grasslands, A.J. Beintema, E. Dunn, D.A. Stroud farming in the drylands of Spain - birds of the pseudosteppes, F. Suarez, M.A. Naveso, E. De Juana the importance of mixed farming for seed-eating birds in the UK, A. Evans conclusions - a future for farming and birds?, D.J. Pain, M.W. Pienkowski European agriculture - threats and opportunities, J. Dixon.