Highly selective behaviour of gastric adenoma after administration of EMR composition and its HCT116-based model

When applying improved composition of solution used during endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR), we have observed unexpectedly large and quantitatively significant difference in response of adenoma vs. healthy tissue of surrounding GIT tract, namely the selective reaction enhancing the volume and differentiated colour. The in vitro experiments on model neoplasia cell line HCT116 suggest, that the robust differences in response of starving cells can be traced down principally to the tetrastarch digestion of neoplastic tissue and enhanced metabolic rate of neoplastic cells. The neoplastic tissue grows into several intestine layers so that submucosal injection of iso-oncotic tetrastarch compound leads to degradation of starch and production of oncotic molecules in submucosa transported by facilitated transport into neoplastic tissue. The colour distinction of the reporting dye is due to concentration differences of three separated compartments, further enhancing the utility of the contrasting mixture. The diffusion dynamics shall be tuneable by optimizing starch composition improving desirable pharmacokinetics.