Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Six Perspectives

Part 1: SPDE's and Stochastic Modelling: Stochastic partial differential equations: Selected applications in continuum physics by J. Glimm and D. Sharp Measure-valued processes and renormalization of branching particle systems by D. A. Dawson and E. A. Perkins Deterministic and stochastic hydrodynamic equations arising from simple microscopic model systems by G. Giacomin, J. L. Lebowitz, and E. Presutti Transport by incompressible random velocity fields: Simulations & mathematical conjectures by R. A. Carmona and F. Cerou Part 2: Mathematical Theory of SPDE's: An analytic approach to SPDEs by N. V. Krylov Martingale problems for stochastic PDE's by R. Mikulevicius and B. L. Rozovskii Indexes: Notation index Subject index.