Recycling of flame retardants containing printed circuits: A study of the possible formation of polyhalogenated dibenzodioxins/-furans

Abstract The generation of halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins/-furans could be expected during recycling of printed circuits containing flame retardants. The presence of precursor substances (e.g. flame retardants like tetrabromobis-phenol A or PCB), partly elevated temperatures, and catalytical effects of copper seem to represent typical formation conditions for “dioxins”. To control the possible contamination of granulated material and thus of work places, in a pilot plant a test run was carried out with a hammer mill and an impact grinder. The air samples examined did not contain PXDD/F residues and the shredded material was contaminated only with PBDD/F at very low concentrations (0.03 – 1.13 ng/g). A test with printed circuits under thermal stress up to 300 °C in an oven generated low amounts of PBDD/F (0.74 – 4.51 ng/g). These tests provide proof that printed circuits can be recycled.