Deep Learning for the Gaussian Wiretap Channel

End-to-end learning of communication systems with neural networks and particularly autoencoders is an emerging research direction which gained popularity in the last year. In this approach, neural networks learn to simultaneously optimize encoding and decoding functions to establish reliable message transmission. In this paper, this line of thinking is extended to communication scenarios in which an eavesdropper must further be kept ignorant about the communication. The secrecy of the transmission is achieved by utilizing a modified secure loss function based on cross-entropy which can be implemented with state-of-the-art machine-learning libraries. This secure loss function approach is applied in a Gaussian wiretap channel setup, for which it is shown that the neural network learns a trade-off between reliable communication and information secrecy by clustering learned constellations. As a result, an eavesdropper with higher noise cannot distinguish between the symbols anymore.

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