PCR localization of C-type natriuretic peptide and B-type receptor mRNAs in rat nephron segments.

The present study was undertaken to investigate the presence of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) mRNA and its receptor, natriuretic peptide B-type receptor (ANPR-B) mRNA, in rat renal structures. The microlocalization of mRNAs coding for CNP and ANPR-B was carried out in the rat kidney, using an assay of reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in individual microdissected renal tubule segments, glomeruli, vasa recta bundle, and arcuate arteries. The PCR signal for CNP was detected in glomerulus, vasa recta bundle, and arcuate artery. The PCR product of ANPR-B was widely present in renal structures. Relatively large amounts of ANPR-B PCR product were detected in glomerulus, vasa recta bundle, arcuate artery, and distal nephron segments. A relatively high concentration of CNP (10(-7) M) stimulated guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate accumulation in glomerulus, medullary thick ascending limb, cortical collecting duct, and inner medullary collecting duct. Our data demonstrate that CNP can be produced locally in the glomerulus and renal vascular system and that ANPR-B is widely distributed in renal structures. Thus CNP may influence renal function and act in autocrine and paracrine fashions in the kidney.