Use of Multiuser, High-Fidelity Virtual Simulation to Teach Leadership Styles to Nursing Students

According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing, leadership (Essential II) and use of technology (Essential V) are key elements in a master’s nursing curriculum. Faculty members may argue it is difficult for students to act in a leadership position when in the role of a student learner in a new clinical environment. To provide students an engaging learning experience as a leader, an innovative approach involves using a virtual clinical environment. Using virtual environments is advantageous so students become comfortable with technology as well as experience challenging clinical experiences from the vantage of a leader. This pedagogy has not been well studied. Evidence regarding the effectiveness of using virtual simulation in the classroom is needed to guide faculty. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the intervention of virtual simulation to teach leadership styles to students in a master’s program in nursing education.