Managing Innovation and Change

PART ONE: MANAGEMENT A: MANAGEMENT CONTEXT Intellect, Innovation and Growth - James B Quinn, J J Baruch and K A Zein Competing for the Future - Gary Hamel and C K Prahalad Interpretive Management - Richard K Lester, Michael J Piore and Kamal M Malek What General Managers Can Learn from Design Business, the Environment and Local Government - Roger Levett B: MANAGING PEOPLE Competitive Advantage through People - Jeffrey Pfeffer Building a Visionary Company - James C Collins and Jerry I Porras Managing Professional Intellect - James B Quinn, Philip Anderson and Sydney Finkelstein Making the Most of the Best Organizational Conditions and Levels of Creativity - Goran Ekvall PART TWO: INNOVATION C: POLICY AND MANAGEMENT Towards the Fifth-Generation Innovation Process - Roy Rothwell Why the Last Shall Be First and the First Shall Fade Away - John Kay From Lean Production to Lean Enterprise - James P Womack and Daniel T Jones A New Philosophy of Business - James Dyson Strategic Stories - Gordon Shaw, Robert Brown and Philip Bromily How 3M is Rewriting Business Planning D: PARTNERSHIP AND NETWORKS Learning through Alliances - Joe Tidd, John Bessant and Keith Pavitt Paradox in Project-Based Enterprise - Robert J DeFilippi and Michael B Arthur The Case of Film Making Japanese-Style Partnerships - Jeffrey H Dyer and William G Ouchi Giving Companies a Competitive Edge The Way Forward - Ken Lewis and Steve Lytton Partnership Sourcing PART THREE: CHANGE E: ORGANIZATIONAL RESTRUCTURING America's Most Famous Export to Japan - Dean M Schroeder and Alan G Robinson Continuous Improvement The Empowerment of Service Workers - David E Bowen and Edward E Lawler III What, Why, How, and When Re-Engineering - Michael Hammer Don't Automate, Obliterate F: IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY The Alternative Workplace - Mahlon Apgar IV Changing Where and How People Work The Society of Networks - Geoff Mulgan and Ivan Briscoe The 'Click Here' Economy - Robert D Hof (with Gary McWilliams and Gabrielle Saveri)