Why Build a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler to Generate Steam and Electric Power
BR-1708 Abstract In Asia, demand for electric power continues to rise steeply due to population growth, economic development, and progres- sive substitution of alternate technology with clean forms of energy generation. Atmospheric circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology has emerged as an environmentally acceptable tech- nology for burning a wide range of solid fuels to generate steam and electricity power. CFB, although less than 20 years old, is a mature technology with more than 400 CFB boilers in opera- tion worldwide, ranging from 5 MW e to 250 MW e . Electric utilities and Independent Power Producers must now select a technology that will utilize a wide range of low-cost solid fuels, reduce emissions, reduce life cycle costs, and pro- vide reliable steam generation for electric power generation. Therefore, CFB is often the preferred technology. Even though pulverized coal (PC) fired boilers continue to play a major role worldwide, they have inherent issues such as fuel inflexibility, environmental concerns and higher maintenance costs. This paper discusses the benefits of CFB boilers for utility and industrial applications. Specific emphasis is given to B&W's Internal Recirculation CFB (IR-CFB) technology, CFB technol- ogy comparisons, PC vs. CFB technology, emissions benefits, and economics including maintenance cost and boiler reliabil- ity.
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