연료전지용 밸브의 연속통전 시험 및 평가 방안에 관한 연구

The solenoid valve is the control device for the work fluid that is driven by the internal electromagnet. And this electromagnet is worked by the current in the coil that will generate the magnetic field. This coil can change the resistance value when it is heated by the continuously applied current because it has a long length relatively. The attraction force in the solenoid valve is propotional to current in the coil and the changing of the resistance value in the coil affects to the reliability of the total system that used the solenoid valve. The work fluid in the fuel cell is explosible gas. Thus, the component that used in the fuel cell is needed a high reliability for the wrong operation protection. For this reliability of components, the continuously applied electric test is need even if that components already have the durability test and the environmental one. This study deals with the continuously applied electric test on the substitution preventing valve. Firstly, the continuously applied electric test is defined from the korean standard of general purpose solenoid valve for the substitution preventing valve. And then, the substitution preventing valve is taken the basic characteristic test when the continuously applied electric test was finished. Finally, the reliability of the substitution preventing valve is verified from the test results in the fuel cell.