Many commercial and academic simulation tools have been released to capture the operating strategies necessary to enhance the efficiency of the supply chain. However, the supply chain's dynamic nature caused due to the concurrent flow of various parts as well as sharing of different types of resources requires inevitable hand-woven codes to fully implement all the activities in modeling simulation. This prohibits the system analysts from rapidly and effectively modeling and analyzing the supply chain. Generally, the supply chain consists of various types of subsystems like manufacturing system, transportation system, and distribution. In particular the manufacturing system controls the production of the subassembly, assembly, and final product, which plays an essential role in the whole supply chain. Hence, the objective of the paper is to address the evolution structure of a process and resource models-based simulation useful for rapid supply chain analysis in the manufacturing system. This research will help overcome the disadvantages of all the existing simulators with regard to supply chain control and support automated solutions for complex scheduling, planning, and design problems.
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Intelligent workstation controller for computer-integrated manufacturing: Problems and models
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Introduction to simulation and SLAM II
Claude Dennis Pegden.
Introduction to SIMAN
WSC '88.
K. R. Christenson,et al.
A simulation generator for dual-card kanban-controlled flow shops
L. J. Rolston.
Modeling flexible manufacturing systems with MAP/1
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A flexible simulation model generator
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Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics