We report preliminary results of PrestoPRIME, an EU FP7 integrated project, including audiovisual (AV) archives, academics and industrial partners, focused on long-term digital preservation of AV media objects and on improving access by integrating media archives with European on-line digital libraries, specifically Europeana. Project outcomes will result in tools and services to ensure the permanence of digital AV content in archives, libraries, museums and other collections, enabling long-term future access in dynamically changing contexts. PrestoPRIME has a special focus on digital preservation in broadcast environments, where very large files of digital video must be preserved at high quality (suitable for future re-use in an AV production environment) in affordable distributed and federated archives. The adoption of standard solutions for digital preservation processes (metadata representation, content storage, digital rights governance, search and access) enables the interoperability of the proposed preservation framework and guidelines. The OAIS model was chosen for the reference architecture, METS is adopted as wrapper for metadata representation, while relevant standards (e.g. from W3C, ISO/IEC and others) are used for content and rights description. Project outcomes will be delivered through a European networked Competence Centre, to gather knowledge and deliver advanced digital preservation advice and services in conjunction with Europeana and other initiatives.
José Luis Borbinha.
SHAMAN - Sustaining Heritage Access through Multivalent Archiving
Shashi Shekhar,et al.
Automatic Information Extraction
Encyclopedia of GIS.
Rubén Tous Liesa.
Query formats for multimedia applications ISO/IEC 15938-12 (MPEG Query Format) & ISO/IEC 24800 (JPSearch)
Zepeda Leopoldo,et al.
MDA(Model Driven Architecture)を用いたデータウェアハウス概念設計のための混成アプローチ
Werner Bailer,et al.
Detailed audiovisual profile: enabling interoperability between MPEG-7 based systems
2006 12th International Multi-Media Modelling Conference.
Ccsds Secretariat,et al.
Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)
Renato Ianella.
Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL)
John G. S. Ive.
The Material Exchange Format (MXF) and the workflow revolution
Erik Mannens,et al.
Media Fragments URI 1.0
Robin C. Cover,et al.
Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS)
Susanne Boll,et al.
Multimedia Vocabularies on the Semantic Web
Linda Cantara.
METS: The Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard
Axel Uhl,et al.
Model-Driven Architecture
OOIS Workshops.