Fuzzy Event Correlation Algorithm in Wide Telecommunication Networks

AbstractThis paper presents an efficient clustering algorithm for faults identification in largetelecommunication networks. The alarms and faults in telecommunication networks presentsome interesting characteristics like storm and cascade of events. For instance, a single faultmay result in a large number of alarms, and it is often very difficult to isolate the true causeof a fault. Our algorithm is especially designed for the event correlation problem taking intoaccount comprehensive information about the system behaviour. Our technique is tested andcompared with some available clustering algorithms on some samples from both simulatedand real data from Ericsson’s network. 1 Introduction Telecommunication networksaregrowing insizeandcomplexity ataveryrapidrate, andthereforetheir management is becoming more and more complicated. Each network element can produce alarge amount of alarms when a fault occurs. More precisely, when a fault occurs, network devices orcomponents can send messages (alarms) to describe the problem that has been detected. Butthey only have a local view of the fault, and therefore cannot describe the fault, but just itsvisible consequences. Moreover, these alarms are very different due to various types of networkcomponents involved (such as new equipments, software updates, etc.). The telecommunicationnetwork management system is responsible for recording the alarms generated by the network nodesor components and presents them to the operator. However, in large systems, dueto the large volumeand the fragmented nature of the information contained within these alarms, it is not always possibleto locate and solve the faults within a reasonable time. In addition, due to the complex nature ofthese networks, a single fault may produce a cascade of alarms from the affected network elementsand also, a fault can trigger other faults, for instance in the case of overloading. Even thoughfailures in large communication networks are unavoidable, quick detection, identification of causesand resolution can make systems more robust, more reliable, and can ultimately increase the levelof confidence in the services that they provide [1].Alarm correlation is a key issue in a network management system as it is used to determinethe faults’ origin, and to filter out redundant and spurious events. The alarm correlation systemsgenerally combine causal and temporal correlation models with the network topology. The efficiencyandrobustnessofthemodelsusedandthealgorithms developedvaryfromsystemtosystembutnoneof them have yet succeeded to provide a good solution to this problem [2]. In general, data miningtechniques are well adapted for analysing collections of data and extracting hidden information.However, the complex nature of the data generated by a wide telecommunication network and thelack of real information contained in an alarm, make unsuitable most of the existing techniques [3].

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