A users guide for the REBUS-PC code, version 1.4.

The Reduced Enrichment Research and Test Reactor (RERTR) Program uses the REBUS-PC computer code to provide reactor physics and core design information such as neutron flux distributions in space, energy, and time, and to track isotopic changes in fuel and neutron absorbers with burnup. REBUS-PC has evolved away from the original REBUS code, which was created starting in the 1960's to study large liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactors. REBUS and REBUS-PC both model the external cycle, and are very general codes with 1D, 2D, and 3D neutronics capabilities, and with complete fuel shuffling capabilities. REBUS-PC has evolved to its present status over the past decade. While it incorporates the same neutronics capabilities from DIF3D 9.0 as does REBUS 9.0 created by the RAE Division of ANL, REBUS-PC has numerous changes and enhancements directed toward the needs of the thermal reactor analyst using WINDOWS or linux-based PC's.