Effect of sodic irrigation water on cane yield and juice quality of different varieties of sugarcane grown in sodic soil
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of residual sodium carbonates (RSC) of irrigation water and sodic soil and their amelioration with gypsum and pressmud on the cane yield and juice quality of six promising sugarcane varieties. Treatments consisted of irrigations waterwith RSC 5 me/L, irrigations waterwith RSC 5 me L half or fully amended with either gypsum or pressmud and six varieties of sugarcane. Cane yield and yield attributing characters like number of millable canes, cane length, cane diameter and number of internodes per cane of plant and ratoon crops were recorded. Juice quality parametercommercial cane sugar (CCS%) in juice and sugar yield were determined, at the harvest of crop.