Attitudes toward problem gambling treatment were investigated in a telephone survey of 1,203 persons in Central Queensland Australia (598 women and 605 men, mean age = 45.8 years). Survey items were compiled from existing substance abuse questionnaires (Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions, 1995; Sobell et al., 1991). An exploratory factor analysis identified five potential barriers to treatment, including: availability, stigma, cost, uncertainty, and avoidance. Relative to those with few problems, respondents who had numerous gambling problems were more concerned about treatment costs, and the availability and effectiveness of treatment. In addition to the above concerns, older persons more often negatively judged the treatment seeker. In contrast, educated respondents had generally more positive attitudes towards problem gamblers and treatment seeking.
John C. Norcross,et al.
In Search of How People Change: Applications to Addictive Behaviors
H. Lesieur,et al.
The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SaGS): A New Instrument for the Identification of Pathological Gamblers
R. Ladouceur,et al.
Erroneous perceptions and gambling.
L. Sobell,et al.
Recovery from Alcohol Problems Without Treatment
N. el-Guebaly,et al.
Natural and treatment-assisted recovery from gambling problems: a comparison of resolved and active gamblers.