Abstract : This paper will address the critical role of software architecture in achieving large-scale system interoperability as well as initiatives underway to promote architectural-based interoperability solutions for the Unified Commands. Software architecture is the means to define systems composed of systems. This definition is critical to achieving interoperability. Joint Publication 1-02 defines interoperability as the ability of systems, units or forces to provide services to and accept services from other systems, units or forces and use the services to enable them to operate effectively together [JP 1-02, 1994]. In order to achieve interoperability, compatible systems, doctrine and policy must exist. The technical challenges to interoperability can be daunting -- particularly when a new requirement is established that requires existing (legacy) systems to interoperate. Military forces do not operate as a fully connected graph; modern warfare does not require every system to interoperate. Joint doctrine is the key to determining interoperability requirements. Doctrine tells us how to fight and how we fight determines interoperability requirements. Policy sets the bounds on acceptable doctrine.
Robert L. Nord,et al.
Applied Software Architecture
Addison Wesley object technology series.
Paul Clements,et al.
Software architecture in practice
SEI series in software engineering.
A. Berztiss,et al.
Requirements Engineering
J. Object Technol..
Luke D. Postema,et al.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
David S Alberts,et al.
Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority
J. A. Salvato.
John wiley & sons.
Environmental science & technology.