NUCLEAR MAGNETIC MOMENT OF THE 158-KEV 5/2$sup -$ STATE OF Hg$sup 19$$sup 9$

The nuclear magnetic moment of the 158-kev, 5/2- state was measured by precessing, in a solid gold enviromoent, the 3/2(334 kev)5/2/sup -/(158 kev(1/2/ sup -/ gamma ray angular correlation in an external magnetic field of 26,000 gauss. The value obtained, mu 5/2 = +1.03 plus or minus 0.08 nm, includes a 5% correction for quadrupole attenuation as determined by studying the angular correlation as a function of the delay of the intermediate state. The value is compared to the recent prediction of de-Shalit assuming that the 5/2/sup -/ state originates from the coupling of the 1/2/sup -/ ground state ( mu p == +0.504 nm) with the 2+ excitation of the core. The magnetic moment of the core excitation was obtained from the Ml gamma-ray mean life of the 50-kev transition between the 3/2/sup -/(208 kev) and 5/2/sup -/ (158 kev) core-particle doublet. That mean life, determined to be r gamma (50) = (4.46 plus or minus 1.0) x 10/sup -9/ sec, leads to predicted magnetic moments of mu core = mm5/2= (+.0.84