Flow-topography interaction in the vicinity of an isolated, deep ocean island

Abstract The results of two oceanographic surveys designed to delineate the flow response near Cato Island (155°32′E, 23°15′S) in the Western Coral Sea are presented. The surveys were conducted in October 1992 and February 1993 and coincided with conditions of strong, steady incident currents and relatively weak, variable currents, respectively. For the strong inflow case study, a surface-intensified cyclonic eddy observed in the wake of the island was co-incident with a zone of strong upwelling. Isotherm displacements within the eddy were in excess of 90 m. The lee side response was strongly depth dependent, with recirculation confined to the upper 120 m. A dynamical systems approach incorporating ADCP data was used to compute Lagrangian trajectories numerically for particles released at various locations in the wake zone. There was no evidence of enhanced chlorophyll concentrations downstream of the island. Comparisons with other dynamically similar studies indicate that eddy shedding is likely during periods of steady incident currents. During the second survey, weaker incident currents resulted in a less pronounced flow disturbance. Small isothermal displacements were capped beneath the strong seasonal thermocline. Lee side currents were weak and variable, with recirculation confined to the upper 50 m. A strong biological response was observed downstream, with increased integrated chlorophyll content and zooplankton biomass in the lee providing evidence of the island mass effect.