A ground-state-directed optimization scheme for the Kohn-Sham energy.

Kohn-Sham density-functional calculations are used in many branches of science to obtain information about the electronic structure of molecular systems and materials. Unfortunately, the traditional method for optimizing the Kohn-Sham energy suffers from fundamental problems that may lead to divergence or, even worse, convergence to an energy saddle point rather than to the ground-state minimum--in particular, for the larger and more complicated electronic systems that are often studied by Kohn-Sham theory nowadays. We here present a novel method for Kohn-Sham energy minimization that does not suffer from the flaws of the conventional approach, combining reliability and efficiency with linear complexity. In particular, the proposed method converges by design to a minimum, avoiding the sometimes spurious solutions of the traditional method and bypassing the need to examine the structure of the provided solution.

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