MRT-Dakryozystographie nach Applikation gadoliniumhaltiger Augentropfen

PURPOSE To determine the efficacy of MRI for the lacrimal drainage system after conjunctival application of gadolinium-DTPA solution. MATERIAL AND METHODS MRI dacryocystography of 32 nasolacrimal duct systems was performed in 16 patients additional to digital subtraction dacryocystography. The gadolinium solution was prepared by diluting the commercially available gadolinium-DTPA (Magnevist, Schering AG, Berlin) 1:10 in sterile saline solution. 3 x 2 drops of this contrast medium were instilled bilaterally immediately before MRI scanning. RESULTS MRI dacryocystography provided detailed information on the nasolacrimal duct system in all 32 cases. In 16 cases localisation and functional degree of nasolacrimal duct obstruction or stenosis was determined reliably. In 15 cases normal nasolacrimal duct system showed no contrast enhancement. In one case stenosis of the canaliculus was observed. CONCLUSION MRI dacryocystography provides detailed morphological soft tissue information of the lacrimal drainage system. Local conjunctival application of gadolinium solution allows functional tests of the lacrimal duct system in patients suffering from epiphora.