Independent Research Program Annual Report FY88
Abstract : The objectives of the Independent Research Program (IRP) are to improve the quality of U.S. Army Laboratories, fund new thrusts in laboratories mission areas, Fund seed projects for future programs, attract and retain top, young scientists and engineers, and give the Technical Director some flexibility for technical entrepreneurship. IRP funds are allocated directly from the Assistant Secretary of the Army (RDA) to laboratory commanders and directors on the basis of the previous year's performance. This annual report of the IRP at the U.S. Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center details, the accomplishments achieved during FY88, the innovativeness of the research projects and the relevance of the program to the center missions. c. Toxicological tests d. Optical fiber waveguide e. Toxicity estimates f. Improved methods of agent detection/decontamination Artificial intelligence h. Regenerative Adsorbents. Independent research, Laboratory research, Exploratory development, Basic research, Chemical defense research.