[Applied Optimization] Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods: A Comparative Study Volume 44 || A Computational Evaluation of the Original and the Revised AHP
As it was mentioned in Chapter 1, the typical problem examined by the AHP consists of a set of alternatives and a set of decision criteria. Since this problem is very common in many engineering, science, and economic applications, the AHP has been a very popular decision tool. Another reason which contributed to the wide use of the AHP in such applications, is the development of the Expert Choice software (http://www.expertchoice.com). Furthermore, many other computer packages have been developed and are based on the principles of the AHP. A prime example is the Criterium Decision Plus package by Info Harvest, Inc. (http://www. infoharvest.com). For an excellent description of this package the interested reader may want to read the review in [Haerer, 2000].