Sustainability is a critical issue across many industry sectors in Australia. Research activity in sustainable development and sustainable technology is being undertaken in many disciples in the physical, social and life sciences. Currently, there is limited communication between researchers working on aspects of sustainability across different disciplines or different industry sectors. In response, a Sustainability Knowledge Network (SKN) has been developed and launched that will bring together researchers, policy makers and practitioners working across the diverse and fragmented field of sustainability. The objective is to catalyse collaboration and technical innovation in this field. The gateway is available at: The Sustainability Knowledge Network is built off the very successful AVEL (Australian Virtual Engineering Library). Thus it benefits from an established partnership that is growing to include a number of universities and Cooperative Research Centres as well as government and non-government organisations.
Chris Addison,et al.
Cooperation on the Web: trends and practice in the development sector
Debbie Campbell.
Australian subject gateways: political and strategic issues
Online Inf. Rev..
Edward A. Fox,et al.
The Open Archives Initiative
Christina Gardner.
An introduction to Web services
Lesly Huxley.
Renardus: fostering collaboration between academic subject gateways in Europe
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Clifford A. Lynch,et al.
Searching the Internet
Derek Law.
A Policy Context: eLib and the Emergence of the Subject Gateways