Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a common disorder including insulin resistance, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and increased risk for clotting. One of the factors that may trigger type 2 diabetes is a prolonged postprandial hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. An approach to reduce the risk of hyperglycemia may be the use of alternative sweeteners. In the last years, new alternatives to the sweeteners market are emerging such as non-caloric sweeteners or low glycaemic index sweeteners. Whereas the market for regular sweeteners and food additives has shown a slow pace growth (3-4%/year), demand for alternative sweeteners is growing at approximately 8% per year. New alternatives for the market are demanded by companies and consumers. Although synthetic non-caloric sweeteners have proven to be safe over the past 20 years, recent trials with animals are raising doubts on their safety and new concerns are emerging. New interesting sweeteners such as those based on enzymatic or chemical modifications of natural sugars, low glycaemic index (Gl) sweeteners or polyhydric alcohols are being offered in the market. These sweeteners may provide additional benefits for people suffering MS and some of them also offer anticariogenic properties. These products may drive the sweeteners market in the forseeable future.