基于CAD系统的电机磁性特性解析方法研究 Structuring of Motor Electromagnetism Property CAD Systems and Its Analytic Method

介绍了CAD系统的构成,解决电机的电磁特性解析问题,研究一种可对电机电磁特性进行可视化的优化解析方法。研究表明,此CAD系统可提供电机磁场分布特性的可视化模拟图形,根据电机磁场特性的可视化模拟图形,可以准确、快速地判断出电机结构存在的问题,为电机性能的优化提供可靠的依据及快捷的手段。 This article describes the composition of the CAD system to solve the electromagnetic characteristics of the motor resolution issues. It researches a motor electromagnetic property of the visual optimization of analytical methods. The study showed that the CAD system can provide the motor magnetic field distribution characteristic visual analog graphics, visual analog graphics based on the magnetic characteristics of the motor can  accurately and quickly determine the motor structure to provide reliable motor performance optimization basis for effective and efficient means.