Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists

PART 1: From the Ground Up 1. Welcome to the World of Shaders 2. The Art of 3D 3. RenderMonkey Version 1.5 4. Getting Started, Your First Shaders PART 2: Screen Effects 5. Looking Through a Filter 6. Blurring Things Up 7. It's Getting Hot in Here 8. Making Your Day Brighter PART 3: Making It Look Real 9. May There Be Light 10. Shiny Little Pixels 11. Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall 12. Not All Materials Are the Same 13. Building Materials from Scratch 14. Why Does It Always Need to Look Real? PART 4: Advanced Topics 15. Watch Out for that Morning Fog 16. Moving Objects Around 17. Advanced Lighting 18. Shadowing 19. Geometry Tricks Appendices A: High-Level Shader Language Reference B: RenderMonkey Version 1.5 User Manual C: What's on the CD D: Solutions to Exercises E: Shader Library