The Biology of Cancer
Contributors. Preface. Acknowledgments. Introduction. Part 1. Understanding Cancer. Chapter 1. What is cancer?(Janice Gabriel). Chapter 2. Predisposing factors to developing cancer (Janice Gabriel). Chapter 3. Cancer: what does a diagnosis mean for an individual and what are the implications for society? (Janice Gabriel). Part II. The Science of Cancer. Chapter 4. The Cell (Louise Knight). Chapter 5. Cytotoxic Chemotherapy (Debbie Wright). Chapter 6. What are DNA and RNA? (Scott C. Edmunds). Chapter 7. Genetics and Cancer (Scott C. Edmunds). Chapter 8. The immune system (Helmout Modjtahedi & Ailsa Clarke). Chapter 9. Tumour Markers (F. Guy Gabriel). Chapter 10. Monoclonal antibodies (Helmout Modjtahedi). Part III. From Research to Treatment. Chapter 11. What is translational oncology research? (Elaine Lennan). Chapter 12. The application of research methodology to cancer research (Carmel Sheppard). Chapter 13. Research ethics relating to cancer (David Carpenter). Glossary. Reference. Index.