Onboard an electric vehicle charging control system and control method

The present invention discloses a vehicle charge an electric vehicle control system and control method, the system includes a charge controller for receiving information emitted by a charging management system to recharge the battery after treatment; local charge management system for receiving remote service center real-time charging strategy, the charging process comprehensive tracking and feedback; battery body voltage for the feedback, through bidirectional communication with the charging of the battery management system, the battery charge and discharge; remote service center, the real-time diagnostics for charging process, provided for each electric car battery with the optimal charge control strategy, and number of charge cycles, charging stability accumulated problems in a timely manner to remind the owners go to the repair site. Safe and controlled charging process of the invention, the elimination of social resentment against the use of electric vehicles during high-voltage, electric vehicle charging parameter enables real-time tracking, remote diagnostics, improve the reliability of electric vehicle charging.