The Review and Future Development of the International Cooperation in Aviation Technology Education in Taiwan

Concerning the human resources demand of the Aerospace industry in Taiwan, the Aerospace Engineering Program Office (ASEPO) has been established since 1997. As far as curricula, facilities and instructors in aircraft maintenance field are involved, resources introduced from advanced countries in North America, Europe as well as Australia are urgently demanded. Based on the above consideration, Taiwan Ministry of Education has allocated budget to establish the academy-industry alliance of aircraft maintenance since 2001. Under the support of this alliance, the performance of aircraft maintenance education in Taiwan has been significantly enhanced and promoted. In the past two years, with the concerted efforts of the work team, the academy-industry alliance has made some great achievements. Furthermore, with the assistance of Taiw an Ministry of Education ( MOE) and the Committee for Aviation and Space Industry Development (CASID), more international cooperation topics and actions about the aviation technique education will be continuously supported in the future, such as sister schools, exchange programs, visiting professors, research cooperation, intensive or certificated short courses, workshops, overseas expert courses, students' summer practical training, and meeting the criteria set by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).