Analysis of single-case experimental count data using the linear mixed effects model: A simulation study

When (meta-)analyzing single-case experimental design (SCED) studies by means of hierarchical or multilevel modeling, applied researchers almost exclusively rely on the linear mixed model (LMM). This type of model assumes that the residuals are normally distributed. However, very often SCED studies consider outcomes of a discrete rather than a continuous nature, like counts, percentages or rates. In those cases the normality assumption does not hold. The LMM can be extended into a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), which can account for the discrete nature of SCED count data. In this simulation study, we look at the effects of misspecifying an LMM for SCED count data simulated according to a GLMM. We compare the performance of a misspecified LMM and of a GLMM in terms of goodness of fit, fixed effect parameter recovery, type I error rate, and power. Because the LMM and the GLMM do not estimate identical fixed effects, we provide a transformation to compare the fixed effect parameter recovery. The results show that, compared to the GLMM, the LMM has worse performance in terms of goodness of fit and power. Performance in terms of fixed effect parameter recovery is equally good for both models, and in terms of type I error rate the LMM performs better than the GLMM. Finally, we provide some guidelines for applied researchers about aspects to consider when using an LMM for analyzing SCED count data.

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