The effects of spatial processing load and collaboration technology on team performance in a simulated C2 environment

Motivation -- To address the effects of spatial processing load and text-based collaborative tools on team performance in command and control environments. Research approach -- Thirty-two people served as paid participants in this study. Teams of two participants competed against a computer opponent in a RoboFlag simulation based on 'capture-the-flag.' Participants either could or could not see their teammates' simulated vehicles during a trial, and they were restricted to no communication, verbal communication, text-based communication, or verbal and text communication. Findings/design -- Spatial processing load substantially impacted team performance and participants' ratings of workload and situational awareness. Team communication condition influenced workload, situational awareness, and team communications, but did not affect team performance. Take away message -- Results of the current experiment support and extend previous research concerning the effects of collaborative technologies on team performance in C2 environments.