Active Aero Shutter를 통한 차량의 Drag 성능 개선

After vehicle design fixed, aerodynamic performance development has many restriction. It is due to major factor of Aerodynamic performance is vehicle styling. Among of restriction, cooling performance is one of biggest restriction. For vehicle cooling, large amount of airflow should be go through heat exchanger which called cooling drag. The cooling drag takes biggest part of overall vehicle drag. So, we always try to optimize vehicle front grille opening position, size and texture to reduce cooling drag within cooling requirement at early vehicle development stage. But, after style fixed and even grille opening optimized, there are need to reduce vehicle drag due to better fuel economy. For this many additional part applied to vehicle exterior, but drag performance improvement by additional part is not effective. At this study, applying active aero shutter, minimize cooling drag without any influence cooling performance, effectively improve vehicle drag performance.