Different invasibility of permanent and temporary waterbodies in a semiarid Mediterranean Island

ABSTRACT Nonindigenous species (NIS) represent a threat to aquatic biodiversity worldwide. However, freshwater ecosystems in drylands are potentially more prone to biological invasions than those located in temperate regions because of the higher number of artificial waterbodies generally occurring in these areas, which might act as invasion hubs for NIS. We review the available information about NIS in Sicilian waterbodies, discuss the role exerted by artificial lakes and ponds in facilitating the establishment of NIS in arid and semiarid areas, and compare the invasibility of permanent and temporary waterbodies in drylands. Artificial waterbodies increase the target-area effect for dispersers and provide a hospitable environment for NIS because of their recent origin and the lack of efficient biological filters against newcomers, thus acting as bridgeheads and invasion hubs favouring invasive species. Finally, we propose actions to attenuate the threats caused by NIS to the sensitive native biota of aquatic ecosystems in drylands.

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