Elements of C

1 Introduction.- 1.1 The Significance of C.- 1.2 Prerequisite Summary.- 1.3 A Preview of C.- 1.4 This Book's Approach to C.- 2 Operators and Expressions.- 2.1 Constants.- 2.2 Identifiers.- 2.3 Operator Precedence.- 2.4 Function Calls.- 2.5 Indirect Access via Pointers.- 2.6 Array Elements as Operands.- 2.7 Some Derived Object Types.- 2.8 Structure Members as Operands.- 2.9 Relational Operators and Expressions.- 2.10 The Conditional Expression.- 2.11 Increment and Decrement Operators.- 2.12 Bitwise Logical Operations.- 2.13 Interpretation of Section 1.3's Sample Expression.- 2.14 Arithmetic Operators.- 2.15 Assignment Operators.- 2.16 The Comma Operator.- 2.17 Data Conversions, Casts, and the sizeof Operator.- 2.18 Operator Precedence Table.- 2.19 White Space Characters.- Problems.- 3 Program Structure.- 3.1 The External Components of a C Program.- 3.2 C's Basic Data Types.- 3.3 Declarations in C.- 3.4 Function Definitions and Compound Statements.- 3.5 Storage Classes and Scope.- 3.6 Initialization.- 3.7 Structure Declarations.- 3.8 Type-names.- Problems.- 4 The C Preprocessor.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Text Replacement.- 4.3 Source File Inclusion and File Search Paths.- 4.4 Conditional Compilation.- Problems.- 5 Flow of Control.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 The return Statement.- 5.3 if and if-else Statements.- 5.4 while and do-while Statements.- 5.5 The for Statement.- 5.6 break, continue, and go to Statements.- 5.7 The switch Statement.- 5.8 Indentation Practices.- Problems.- 6 Advanced Topics.- 6.1 Unions.- 6.2 Fields.- 6.3 Structure Linkage.- 6.4 Pointers to Functions.- 6.5 Recursion.- 6.6 Multidimensional Arrays.- 6.7 typedef.- 6.8 Command Line Arguments.- Problems.- 7 The Standard Library.- 7.1 Introduction.- 7.2 File Access Control Blocks.- 7.3 I/O Initiation, Termination, and Redirection.- 7.4 Character and Line I/O.- 7.5 Formatted I/O.- 7.6 Binary Reads and Writes.- 7.7 Character-Type Macros and Conversions.- 7.8 Memory Allocation Functions.- 7.9 String-Handling Functions.- 7.10 Miscellaneous Library Functions.- Problems.- Solutions to Problems.- 2.- 3.- 4.- 5.- 6.- 7.- Appendix A Table of ASCII Codes.- Appendix B C Keywords and Their Uses.- Appendix C Operator Precedence Table.- Appendix D Capsule Summaries of Standard Library Functions.- Appendix E Standard Library Functions by Category.