Advances in pattern recognition systems using neural network technologies
A connectionist approach to speech recognition, Y. Bengio signature verification with a Siamese TDNN, J. Bromley et al boosting performance in neural networks, H. Drucker et al an integrated architecture for recognition of totally unconstrained hand-written numerals, A. Gupta et al time warping network - a neural approach to hidden Markov model-based speech recognition, E. Levin et al computing optical flow with a recurrent neural network, H. Li and J. Wang integrated segmentation and recognition through exhaustive scans or learned Saccadic jumps, G. Martin et al experimental comparison of the effect of order in recurrent neural networks, C.B. Miller and C.L. Giles adaptive classification by neural net based prototype populations, K. Peleg and U. Ben Hanan a neural system for the recognition of partially occluded objects in cluttered scenes - a pilot study, L. Wiskott and C. von der Malsburg. (Part contents).