Exemplar VAEs for Exemplar based Generation and Data Augmentation

This paper presents a framework for exemplar based generative modeling, featuring Exemplar VAEs. To generate a sample from the Exemplar VAE, one first draws a random exemplar from a training dataset, and then stochastically transforms that exemplar into a latent code, which is then used to generate a new observation. We show that the Exemplar VAE can be interpreted as a VAE with a mixture of Gaussians prior in the latent space, with Gaussian means defined by the latent encoding of the exemplars. To enable optimization and avoid overfitting, Exemplar VAE’s parameters are learned using leave-one-out and exemplar subsampling, where, for the generation of each data point, we build a prior based on a random subset of the remaining data points. To accelerate learning, which requires finding the exemplars that exert the greatest influence on the generation of each data point, we use approximate nearest neighbor search in the latent space, yielding a lower bound on the log marginal likelihood. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of Exemplar VAEs in density estimation, representation learning, and generative data augmentation for supervised learning. The code is available at https://exemplar-vae.github.io.

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