Teaching content to English language learners : strategies for secondary school success

Part I TEACHING IN MULTICULTURAL CLASSROOMS: AN INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 The Challenge Learning English: Programs and Goals In Contrast: The Focus of Content Learning Finding Solutions That Work The Rewards of Scaffolded Instruction A Final Thought Chapter 2 Language, Learning, and Content Instruction What Do You Know When You Know a Language? Language as a Social Skill Language as an Academic Skill Understanding CALP Language and Content Teaching Chapter 3 Culture, Learning, and Content Instruction Culture and Learning A Shift in Perception The Culture of Content Part II STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTION Chapter 4 Learning Strategies: An Overview Focusing on English Language Learners Learning Strategies: A Simple Definition Types of Learning Strategies Teaching Learning Strategies A Note about Learning Strategies and Teaching Strategies Chapter 5 Textbook Strategies Make the Most of Your Textbook More Strategies for Textbook Comprehension Two Strategies for Real Beginners Choosing a Textbook Chapter 6 Strategies to Modify Assignments Modifying Whole Class Assignments Developing Alternative Assignments The Next Step: Building Language Chapter 7 Adapting Techniques of Classroom Instruction Why Is Background Knowledge So Important? Strategies to Activate Background Knowledge Clarifying Comprehension Increasing Teacher-Student Interaction in the Classroom Increasing Student-Student Interaction in the Classroom A Final Thought Chapter 8 Adapting Your Personal Teaching Techniques The Difficulties of Oral Academic Language Change the Pace of Your Speech Simplify Your Speech Enhance Your Words Start Small, But Start Now Part III STRATEGIES FOR ASSESSMENT Chapter 9 Adapting Classroom-Based Assessments Essay Questions, Multiple-Choice Questions, and Language Demand Modify Test Techniques Don't "Test" at All! The Issue of Grading Chapter 10 MeetingStateStandards Choosing Concepts and Topics for ELLs The Ideal and the Actuality Chapter 11 Preparing for High-Stakes Tests Test-Taking Strategies Testing Accommodations The Challenge Appendix I Strategies Appendix II Glossary of Common ELL Acronyms Appendix III Student Resources: English Language Aids Appendix IV Teacher Resources: Suggestions for Further Reading