SafeTRIP is an integrated project of the European U nion (total research effort: A11.5M) involving 20 p artners from many European countries. Its primary goal is t o efficiently exploit the S-band communication via W2A satellite to improve road safety and to provide sta te-of-the-art on-board communication solution for t he transport stakeholders. Besides the communication issues in Intelligent Tra nsport Systems (ITS) services, positioning solution s are also analysed within the project. Each SafeTRIP on- board unit will include a GNSS receiver that is abl e to receive GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO signals. Solutions for improving accuracy and coverage will be investigated, i.e. applying SBAS and GBAS systems, satellite-based RTK solution, and ‐ as a separate subsystem ‐ GSM-based positioning. Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) and the PIAP Industrial Research for Automation and Measurements (Poland) are responsible for the analysis of the positioning and navigation system requirements and the positioning system architecture. The paper discusses the architecture and the servic es that will be supported by the SafeTRIP platform, especially focusing on the positioning and navigati on issues. The paper also includes the analysis of the potential of GSM-based positioning to support ITS services.