Converting to reusable garment model

Purpose – Reusability of geometric model is of essential importance in garment simulation since in reality, the same garment dressed on different human bodies will exhibit different draping results. Due to the multiplicity of a garment which can be dressed on various human bodies, it is necessary to reuse a given geometrical garment model in the cyberspace, the purpose of this paper is to explore this. This requires the technique of converting a geometrical model to a physically‐based model to predict the dressing result.Design/methodology/approach – In this paper, a 3D garment model obtained from range data scanning is reconstructed as a mass‐spring system driven by the first order backward Euler integrator. The penetration of dressing onto the given avatars is compensated through an AABB accelerated collision detection and response scheme.Findings – This paper implements efficient techniques resolving intersection for cloth simulation. Two stages are selected for handling the collision. The first stage ...