Mechanizing the Denotational Semantics of the Clock Constraint Specification Language

Domain Specific Modelling Languages provide the designers with appropriate languages for the task they must conduct. These dedicated languages play a key role in popular Model Driven Engineering (MDE) approaches. Their semantics are usually written in a semi-formal manner mixing natural language and mathematical notations. The mechanization of these semantics rely on formal specification languages. They are usually conducted in order to assess the correctness of verification and transformation tools for such languages. This contribution illustrates such a mechanization for the Clock Constraint Specification Language (CCSL). This language allows to model the timed concurrency concern in the MARTE UML profile and was designed to be easier to master than temporal logics for the system engineers. Its semantics has been defined in the usual semi-formal manner and implemented in the TimeSquare simulation tool. We discuss the interest of this mechanization and show how it allowed to prove properties about this language and ease the definition of a refinement relation for such models. This work relies on the Agda proof assistant and is presented accordingly.