A tipping pulse scheme for a rf-SQUID qubit

We present a technique to control the quantum state of a rf-SQUID qubit. We propose to employ a stream of single flux quantum (SFQ) pulses magnetically coupled to the qubit junction to momentarily suppress its critical current. This effectively lowers the barrier in the double-well rf SQUID potential thereby increasing the tunneling oscillation frequency between the wells. By carefully choosing the time interval between SFQ pulses one may accelerate the interwell tunneling rate. Thus it is possible to place the qubit into a chosen superposition of flux states and then effectively to freeze the qubit state. We present both numerical simulations and analytical time-dependent perturbation theory calculations that demonstrate the technique. Using this strategy one may control the quantum state of the rf SQUID in a way analogous to the /spl pi/ pulses in other qubit schemes.