Prevalence of endoparasites in dog faecal deposits in Jordan

ABSTRACT Of 756 dog faecal deposits collected from the road side and public places in five Jordanian Governorates 466 (61·6%) harboured parasite ova, oocysts and/or larvae. Of these, 67·7%, 26·8%, 4·1% and 1·4% revealed one, two, three and four different types of parasite ova, oocysts or larvae in the same sample, respectively. Examination of the infected samples revealed that 44·1% contained taeniid ova, 19·8% Dipylidium caninum, 19% Toxocara canis, 8% Sarcocystis spp. oocysts, 5% hookworm larvae, 1·5% Diphyllobothrium latum, 0·1% Capillaria spp. and 0·1% Trichuris vulpis eggs.