Enthusiasmus triumphatus, or, A discourse of the nature, causes, kinds, and cure, of enthusiasme
Vol 1: "An Antidote Against Atheism, or An Appeal to the Natural Faculties of the Minde of Man, Whether There be Not a God" (1655, 2nd ed., 398pp). Vol 2: "Conjectura Cabbalistica - Or, a Conjectural Essay of Interpreting the Minde of Moses According to a Three Fold Cabbala, viz., Literal, Philosophical, Mystical or Divinely Moral" (1653 ed., 251pp). Vol 3: "Enthusiasmus Thriumphatus - Or, a Discourse of the Nature, Causes, Kinds and Cure of Enthusiasme" (1656 ed., 319pp). Vol 4: "The Immortality of the Soul, so Farre Forth as it is Demonstrable from the Knowledge of Nature and the Light of Reason" (1659 ed., 549pp). Vol 5: "An Explanation of the Grand Mystery of Godliness" (1660 ed., 546pp). Vol 6: "An Account of the Virtue - Or, Dr Henry More's Abridgement of Morals, put into English" (by Edward Southwell, 1690 ed., 268pp). Vol 7: "Enchiridion Metaphysicum - Sive, De Rebus Incorporsis Succincta and Luculenta Dissertatio" (1671 ed., 403pp). Vol 8: "Two Choice and Useful Treatises - the One Lux Orientalis - Or, an Enquiry into the Opinion of the Eastern Sages Concerning the prae-Existence of Souls (by Joseph Glanvill), the Other, a Discourse on Truth (by George Rust) with Annotations on them both (by Henry More)" (1682 ed., 476pp). Vol 9: "The Life of the Learned and Pious Dr Henry More", by Richard Ward (1911 ed., 323pp).