Thermal Injury in Human Subjects Due to 94-GHz Radio Frequency Radiation Exposures

Abstract : The objective of this study is to compare the exposure data for millimeter wave (MMW) radiation induced thermal injury in humans at 4 W/cm2 and 6 W/cm2 to those previously obtained involving dose-response exposure data in experimental porcine models. Where possible, this study aims to extrapolate the probable for eliciting a human skin thermal response to MMW exposures by comparing data gather and within the porcine exposure database. Due to the inherent difficulties in acquiring human subjects and exposing them to up to potential damaging levels of MMWs, the conclusions presented will be based upon the results of a small study sample (N=6). Therefore, these results serve as an initial guide to the acceptable human exposure safety margins for the employment of MMW devices, but should not be considered or received as written as a definitive study.