A Summary of the Major Findings in "The First Year of Sesame Street: An Evaluation".

... ABSTRACT Tile Educational Testing Service evaluated the Sesame Street educational teleuieion.serie.s.to determine the extent to which it accomplished its stated objectives during its first year. Research results showed th;t Sesame Street benefited children from .low-income inner-citj areas and isolated rural area's a-well as ckildret from -. middle class' suburbi. Children who watched most frequently learned the most and 'this held trueacross.ige, sex, geographical location, socioeconomic status, mental age, and vieeing location. It was also found tfiatthe skills even the most time and attention on the "program:were the. skills learned.best.'Three-yeaprOld children gained the most f±om watching the program, and disadva Caged children who