리모델링 주택부품 인정기준 수립 및 운용방안에 관한 연구
The structure of Korean apartment buildings are sufficiently durable. Nonetheless, the lifespans of building elements
and facilities are not same with one another thus limiting the improvement in performance and leaving even structually
sound buildings are removed or reconstructed. To address this problem, recently, the Ministry of Construction and
Transportation offers construction criteria aimed at remodeling, allowing the design to follow the criteria. However,
parts fitting the design criteria are currently not produced, thus yielding little effects.
Hence, this research sought to establish a kind of national accreditation criteria for superior housing construction
parts aimed at conforming to the established design criteria and effective management for remodeling, have the
remodeling in place in the frontline construction business and cut cost on remodeling, thus activating remodeling.