DWT-PCA (EVD) Based Copy-move Image Forgery Detection

In a co py-move image forgery, a part of an ima ge is copied and then pasted on a different location within the sa me image. Usua lly, such an image tampering is do ne with the aim of e ither hiding some image det ails, in whi ch case a backgro und is du plicated, o r ad ding mor e deta ils r esulting in a t least some fea ture bein g cl oned. Whichever the ca se, ima ge i ntegrity i s lost . In thi s p aper we present an improved a lgorithm based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Principal Component AnalysisEigenvalue D ecomposition (PCA-EVD) to detect s uch cloning for gery. F urthermore, for academic purposes and via a simplified, toy image we demonstrate how such algorithm works in detecting cloning forgery. Experimen tal results show that t he prop osed sc heme accu rately d etects such specif ic im age manipulations as long as the copied region is not rotated or scaled.

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