Applying the concepts of extended products and extended enterprises to support the activities of dynamic supply networks in the agri-food industry

Abstract During the last decade industry focus has been on the development and integration of processes in the context of the food supply chain. As a result, the food supply chain can be considered highly integrated where information technology streamlines the use of data and information. Presently the focus is shifting to the supply chain that sits in front of the food industry; the animal feed supply chain. The idea is to integrate all the processes within this supply chain and to connect the two supply chains (food and feed) in such a way that processes that cross-boundaries are completely integrated. In response to this, business strategies must now focus not only on traditional economical and technological interests, but also on topical issues such as safety of food and animal feed products, environmentally friendly production and still provide consumers with safe, quality and inexpensive food. This paper introduces the agri-food industry concentrating specifically on the animal feed and food industries. It presents the business processes, strategies, and activities in supply chain management that are acting as an antecedent factor in the adoption and participation of eBusiness. The paper will also introduce eBusiness models for these industries and the implication of these models is that over time, the organisation will learn more about the external and internal environments in which its supply chain operates its own and its partners business, and the key functional areas associated with their business. As a result, the organisation will focus more on their business and eBusiness strategies and co-operate with its partners in identifying areas, which need improving across their supply chain.