Structural Qualification of Unique Aerospace Structures

Abstract : The Air Force Research laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate (AFRL/VS), and CSA Engineering have developed a large scale structural testing facility on Kirtland AFB, NM. This facility is capable of applying static and dynamic loads with up to 18 independent hydraulic actuators. Coupled with the servo-hydraulic load control unit is a fully integrated 256-channel data acquisition system (DAS). Configurable for strain gages, LVDT's, or virtually any other strain gage-based or high level sensor. The DAS and load controller communicate and function simultaneously through software written by MTS Corporation. To date, AFRL and CSA Engineering have conducted four major static tests on developing launch vehicle technologies. These tests include two payload adapters, a large advanced grid stiffened composite fairing, and an advanced Payload Attach Fitting (PAF). Additional challenges include accommodating wide ranging physical geometries and applying loads to these geometries. Detailed test procedures, test design, and a testing overview for each static test configuration will be discussed.